Saturday, February 20, 2016

POST #5 Art and Fear Response

     This chapter of Art and Fear contains much truth and really opens up my mind about all of my artwork in general.  In the beginning, when talking about making work to create great work, almost seems like the position i am currently in.  I know the styles of art that i love and i know what makes me passionate about my pieces.  I believe the works of art that Ive created and feel the most connected to are the pieces that have great intangible universal meaning.  The best ones i have created were thought out through an unexpected experience, awakening, or inspiring moment in life.
Ive done much research though out my years at Flagler College and the Artists that engage in certain styles of Interconnectivity, environmental, Spiritual, and intangible art never fail to inspire me.  Alex Grey and Andy Goldsworthy are two great examples of Artists admire.  This combination of galactic universal connection with all natural living and existing things creates the heart of my artwork.  Its very interesting because even in pale- neolithic period, the only things artisans had to be inspired by was Nature, the Earth, the Stars, and everything that in interconnected with ourselves and the world we live in.  Art is the only consistent thing throughout time because art is the only passage to express and release feeling and emotion which came even before language.
Art is something personally I feel that I must do for the world because I wish to be apart of the many people before me who have changed the perspective of the world around them for the greater good.  Art is the only product of imagination. Without imagination the greatest things we have to offer do not exist.  I care about art for this reason and because its the only tangible element of the mind body and soul.  So many things in the universe that we cannot see with our own two eyes but with the power of art we can bring these intangible elements into focus and strengthen and better the minds and the world of tomorrow.

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